On-Site and Remote Available


CCIR - Certificate in Competitive Intelligence Research

Competitive Intelligence Research - Stay ahead with advanced research techniques

Accredited as University Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)

Competitive/Market Intelligence Research - Stay ahead with advanced research techniques

Excellence in intelligence research

ICI’s research certificate advances your data collection skills well beyond those taught in our workshops Advanced Web Intelligence (ICI-4) and Communication and Elicitation skills (ICI-5).

Learn to exploit information from Intellectual property (IP) for analyzing technologies and competitors’ exploitation strategies. Use events as unique opportunities to collect otherwise not available information. Finally, exploit social media (such as blogs, wikis, Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook) as powerful, yet challenging channels for monitoring consumers, competitors, technologies and environmental constraints. With the help of proven Knowledge Management techniques, you’ll optimize data collection and knowledge sharing within your organization and communities.

This intensive certificate program will sharpen your skills and optimize your research approach. Participants will learn how to obtain and analyze valuable intelligence from events and social media, how to protect and defend intellectual property rights, and how to excel in knowledge management.

Module 1: Trade Show and Event Intelligence (ICI-20)

ICI 20 Trade Show IntelligenceBusiness trade shows, exhibitions, conferences, road shows, and other similar events offer unique opportunities to collect information about competitors, suppliers, customers, and key opinion leaders. To successfully exploit events, you need to design collection plans. Processing and validation of findings are then mandatory. This workshop will provide you with the necessary professional skills and techniques!


Module 2: Social Media Research & Analysis for Competitive / Market Intelligence (ICI-25)

ICI 25 Social Media AnalysisThis workshop provides a deep-dive into social media sources. You will learn how to identify, retrieve, process, and validate critical intelligence. Beyond relevant content, you will be able to identify valuable quantitative and qualitative patterns and signals from the digital noise – typically generating opportunities and avoiding risks from your competitive environment.

Module 3: Patent and Intellectual Property Intelligence and Defense (ICI-35)

ICI 35 Patent Competitive Market IntelligenceIntellectual property (IP), such as patents or trademarks, are powerful economic assets and require protection in order for them to remain a powerful competitive tool. This workshop will provide you with the necessary professional skills and knowledge to analyze various types of IP and obtain the best possible protection for your company's intellectual property. Learn how to interpret competitors’ IP strategies as one element of strategy implementation and develop ideas on how to pre-empt competitors’ moves.

Module 4: Knowledge Management to Improve Competitive / Market Intelligence Processes (ICI-38)

ICI 38 Knowledge ManagementIntellectual capital is an extremely valuable asset and Competitive Intelligence professionals especially can gain a competitive advantage by retrieving tacit and organizational knowledge and expertise from their peers. You will learn about the principles of knowledge management and how to promote collaboration and knowledge sharing within your CI/MI community.

Assignments & Exam

Assignments Exam - Competitive/Market Intelligence Certificate After your workshops, you’ll work on supervised assignments to practice what you have learned. Assignments are integrated challenges where you apply state-of-the art methodologies to solve real life cases. Individual feedback will be provided. ICI’s on-line learning platform serves as the base for efficient teamwork and communication with your supervisor. Assignments are mandatory and will be graded. After completion of the assignments you can schedule a written, live on-line exam session.


  • Earn a University Certificate of Advanced Studies degree including 10 credit points (CP) according to the ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System).
  • Our comprehensive and proven blended learning concept consists of in-class trainings and supervised on-line modules. Your learning success as well as our educational quality are our priorities.
  • Profound competitive intelligence education.
  • Learn how to use advanced sources for information and data collection. Your research performance will greatly benefit from a comprehensive base.
  • Harness social media for advanced intelligence.
  • Defend your company’s IP (Intellectual Property) and enjoy exploiting the know-how via knowledge management methodologies.
  • Acquire the critical competences sought after by employers.
  • International certificate perspective – enjoy courses around the globe.
  • The CCIR is part of ICI’s flagship program “Certificate of Proficiency in Competitive Intelligence (CPCI)”.
  • ICI’s certificate alumni receive discounts to further certificates and ICI’s conferences.

Amied at

  • Competitive/Market Intelligence Analysts and Managers
  • Market Researchers, especially for B2B markets
  • Technology scouts/analysts
  • Business innovators
  • Entrepreneurs


  • 32 hrs live online classes
  • Written final exam
  • Two graded off-class assignments
  • Access to ICI’s online learning platform with related readings and guidelines
  • Access to ICI’s insight centre (webinars, presentations, interviews)
  • Workshop hand-outs (incl. case studies)
  • University Certificate of Advanced Studies with 10 ECTS credit points and a workload of about 260 hours over 10 weeks (ca 25 hrs/week)
  • Personal coaching 


Participants should have experience with basic competitive intelligence processes and analytical methods, as taught in the FCCI-program

Please request your application package to initiate your application process. We acknowledge that ICI’s certificate programs are very demanding and intellectually challenging. Participants need to commit substantial time and energy to master all certification requirements. Read what it is like to study for an ICI certificate.

Request your application package today! Once approved, we’ll plan your ICI journey through individual coaching sessions with you.


Next Date

  • Start:
    Live Classes: April 1 - 4, 2025 (details)
  •     Workload: 260 hrs (10 ECTS credit points) over a period of 10 weeks:
    Preparation (homework), 32 hours live online sessions, assignments/exam
  •    Price: € 3,395* (excl. VAT)
  •     Venue: On-site or Remote
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

CCIM - Certificate in Competitive Intelligence Management

COmpetitive Intelligence Management - Transfer Information into Applicable Knowledge

Accredited as University Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)

Competitive/Market Intelligence Management - Transfer Information into Applicable Knowledge

Master the Management of advanced CI/MI Operations

This program provides the necessary skills for setting up and maintaining successful competitive/market intelligence units. While the basics of designing a CI unit are covered in the first module, advanced features are covered in the remaining modules: Counterintelligence, Information Warfare, Competitive Technology Intelligence and Critical and Creative Thinking.

Module 1: Design and Operation of In-house CI Centers (ICI-24)

ICI 24 In house Competitive Intelligence CentreHow to set up and manage a CI Center (sometimes called “war room”) to increase efficiency and optimize the "return on intelligence"? Afterall, an in-house center operates as THE hub for data collection, analysis, and distribution of competitive and market intelligence in a corporation. This workshop will run you through the design and implementation phases. Use the 8 critical success factors to effectively manage competitive/market intelligence in order to support real-time decision-making and enhance your company’s competitiveness.


Module 2: Counterintelligence Essentials (ICI-34)

ICI 34 Counter IntelligenceInformation is a valuable company asset, and in times of fierce competition businesses need to protect their information, hardware, Intellectual Property, and systems against the threat of corporate espionage. This counterintelligence workshop looks at the different forms of potential attacks, threats, and ways in which businesses can protect and secure their assets.

Module 3: Ethical Information Warfare (ICI-36)

ICI 36 Information WarfareInformation warfare is a strategic approach to communication involving the development of ideas and opinions in order to change behavior within the market environment. Valuable intelligence can be used to gain an edge over your competition that influences customers, suppliers, and industry experts. This Information Warfare workshop looks at the principles of this approach and how it can be applied ethically – and how attacks against your company can be mastered.

Module 4: Critical Thinking and Creative Problem Solving (ICI-37)

ICI 37 Critical ThinkingIn ever-changing and fierce competitive environments, critical thinking is key to out-maneuvering the competition, improving the quality of intelligence analysis, and injecting creativity into problem-solving processes. The Critical and Creative Thinking workshop will provide you and your CI unit with the necessary professional skills and techniques for generating and testing hypotheses, structuring problems, generating ideas, and thinking out of the box.


Module 5: Competitive Technology Intelligence - CTI (ICI-27)

ICI 27 Competitive Technical IntelligenceIn today's fast-paced competitive environment, technological innovations can be fundamental to business success. Sound competitive technology intelligence enables companies to identify where technology can deliver a competitive advantage in areas such as marketing, product design, and R&D, hence it is a must-do task for any Competitive Intelligence Center (CIC). This workshop looks at how to monitor the technical environment, identify technological developments, assess the potential of new technologies, and analyze their effect upon the business, customers, and competitors.

Assignments & Exam

Assignments Exam - Competitive/Market Intelligence Certificate After your workshops, you’ll work on supervised assignments to practice what you have learned. Assignments are integrated challenges where you apply state-of-the art methodologies to solve real life cases. Individual feedback will be provided. ICI’s on-line learning platform serves as the base for efficient teamwork and communication with your supervisor. Assignments are mandatory and will be graded. After completion of the assignments you can schedule a written, live on-line exam session.


  • Earn a University Certificate of Advanced Studies degree including 12 credit points (CP) according to the ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System).
  • Our comprehensive and proven blended learning concept consists of in-class trainings and supervised on-line modules. Your learning success as well as our educational quality are our priorities.
  • Profound competitive intelligence education.
  • Learn how to establish a powerful CI unit, which will become an essential part of your company’s activities.
  • Help to defend your company’s assets as well as its Intellectual Property.
  • Identify and counter information warfare attacks.
  • Integrate technology intelligence in your company’s road maps.
  • Facilitate creativity and critical thinking initiatives that will increase the quality and impact of intelligence for decision-making.
  • Acquire the critical competences sought after by employers.
  • International certificate perspective – enjoy courses around the globe.
  • The CCIM is part of ICI’s flagship program “Certificate of Proficiency in Competitive Intelligence (CPCI)”.
  • ICI’s certificate alumni receive discounts to further certificates and ICI’s conferences.

Aimed at

  • Managers of CI/MI units
  • Managers of market research units
  • Competitive/Market Intelligence Analysts
  • Management/Strategy Consultants
  • Market researchers


  • Written final exam
  • Two graded off-class assignments
  • Access to ICI’s online learning platform with related readings and guidelines
  • Access to ICI’s insight centre (webinars, presentations, interviews)
  • Workshop hand-outs (incl. case studies)
  • University Certificate of Advanced Studies with 12 ECTS credit points and a workload of about 290 hours
  • Personal coaching 


Participants should have experience with basic competitive intelligence processes and analytical methods, as taught in the FCCI-program

Please request your application package to initiate your application process. We acknowledge that ICI’s certificate programs are very demanding and intellectually challenging. Participants need to commit substantial time and energy to master all certification requirements. Read what it is like to study for an ICI certificate.

Request your application package today! Once approved, we’ll plan your ICI journey through individual coaching sessions with you.


Next Date

  • Start:
    Live Classes: October 27 - 31, 2025 (details)
  •     Workload: 290 hrs (12 ECTS credit points) over a period of 12 weeks:
    Preparation (homework), 40 hours live online sessions, assignments/exam
  •    Price: € 3,995* (excl. VAT)
  •     Venue: On-site or Remote
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

CCIA - Certificate in Competitive Intelligence Analysis

Analysis - The Core of Competitive/Market Intelligence

Accredited as University Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)

Analysis - The Core of Competitive/Market Intelligence

Expand your analytical mind with this exciting and challenging certificate program

Analysis is the crucial step in the production of competitive and market intelligence – often over-looked or performed poorly. This unique program will enable you to excel in competitive/market intelligence analysis. All workshops are challenging and thought provoking, designed for those, who want to get beyond standard business analysis frames. You will learn how to apply state of the art analysis tools and techniques to transform information and data into insight and knowledge, i.e. intelligence.

Module 1: Financial Analysis Fundamentals for Competitive / Market Intelligence Professionals (ICI-28)

Financial analysis provides invaluable insight in a competitor’s past performance as well as potential future strategy execution. Learn to analyze financial statements from an outside-in perspective. A financial simulation of the future financial situation of your competitors will shed light on strength, weaknesses, and potential strategic moves.


Module 2: Strategic Foresight Through Scenario Mapping (ICI-22)

ICI 22 Scenario AnalysisGenerate strategic foresight with the powerful, universally employable scenario analysis approach. This methodology will allow your company to assess the future of your industry, potential technological advancements, and competitor landscapes. You’ll learn how to choose alternative scenario approaches, hence allowing you to artfully develop appropriate scenarios.

Module 3: Strategic Foresight with Early Warning Systems (ICI-32)

ICI 32 Early Warning SystemsFed up by being surprised by competitor activities, technologies, and industry trends? This workshop will help you to set up an agile early warning system for defense and attack! You’ll master scanning of weak signals and how to motivate peers to become part of your company’s early warning system.

Module 4: Intelligence Mind Traps and Cognitive Biases (ICI-26)

ICI 26 Psychology of Intelligence AnalysisBeyond the skillful application of analytical frames, you need to avoid the many intelligence analysis traps, sometimes referred to as cognitive biases. Learn how to set up quality processes for your analysis work to ensure meaningful intelligence. Use critical thinking approaches to increase both the quality and impact of your findings. Furthermore, this workshop will help you to communicate more efficiently with your intelligence audience!

Assignments & Exam

Assignments Exam - Competitive/Market Intelligence Certificate After your workshops, you’ll work on supervised assignments to practice what you have learned. Assignments are integrated challenges where you apply state-of-the art methodologies to solve real life cases. Individual feedback will be provided. ICI’s on-line learning platform serves as the base for efficient teamwork and communication with your supervisor. Assignments are mandatory and will be graded. After completion of the assignments you can schedule a written, live on-line exam session.


  • Earn a University Certificate of Advanced Studies degree including 10 credit points (CP) according to the ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System).
  • Our comprehensive and proven blended learning concept consists of in-class trainings and supervised on-line modules. Your learning success as well as our educational quality are our priorities.
  • Profound competitive intelligence education.
  • Learn to master the strategic foresight tools “scenario planning” and “early warning”.
  • Analyze financial statements with respect of your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses.
  • Avoid intelligence blunders and erroneous analysis results by implementing quality processes and critical thinking frames.
  • You’ll develop a new analytical mindset. Overviews of further analytical frames and intense class discussions with your peers will broaden your knowledge beyond the agenda of this program.
  • The CCIA counts towards ICI’s flagship program “Certificate of Proficiency in Competitive Intelligence (CPCI)”.
  • ICI’s Certificate Alumni receive discounts to further certificates and ICI’s conferences.

Aimed at

    • Competitive/Market Analysts and Managers
    • Market Researchers
    • Strategic Foresight Analysts
    • Assistants to CEOs and Heads of Business Units
    • Management Consultants
    • Product/Service Managers


    • Written final exam
    • Two graded off-class assignments
    • Access to ICI’s online learning platform with related readings and guidelines
    • Access to ICI’s insight centre (webinars, presentations, interviews)
    • Workshop hand-outs (incl. case studies)
    • University Certificate of Advanced Studies with 10 ECTS credit points and a workload of about 260 hours
    • Personal coaching 


Participants should have experience with basic competitive intelligence processes and analytical methods, as taught in the FCCI-program

Please request your application package to initiate your application process. We acknowledge that ICI’s certificate programs are very demanding and intellectually challenging. Participants need to commit substantial time and energy to master all certification requirements. Read what it is like to study for an ICI certificate.

Request your application package today! Once approved, we’ll plan your ICI journey through individual coaching sessions with you.


Next Date

  • Start:
    Live Classes: June 2 - 5, 2025 (details)
  •     Workload: 260 hrs (10 ECTS credit points) over a period of 10 weeks:
    Preparation (homework), 32 hours live online sessions, assignments/exam
  •    Price: € 3,395* (excl. VAT)
  •     Venue: On-site or Remote
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

CCS - Certificate in Competitive Strategy

Competitive Strategy - Sharpen your competitive strategic skills

Accredited as University Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)

Competitive Strategy - Sharpen your competitive strategic skills

Sharpen your skills for strategic competitive issues

This certificate will provide tools and techniques for a strategic perspective on competitors and markets. Learn how to apply sophisticated frames for assessing and predicting competitor moves and the impacts of major trends that shape your industry – and master how to react to them.

Module 1: Analysis of Competitor Strategies (ICI-21)

A solid understanding of your competitors’ strategy is a must-have for any business strategist or product manager. This workshop introduces a proven strategy re-engineering approach. Once implemented in your competitor monitoring process, it will become the core element for understanding past competitor activities and predicting future activities.


Module 2: Business War Gaming Techniques (ICI-30)

War Games are artfully-designed simulations of a specific competitive situation. Teams of colleagues will act-out these engagements under the supervision and guidance of a jury and a facilitator. War Games can be a unique source of inspiration and insight, especially when it comes to assessing and predicting competitor behaviors, strengths and weaknesses.

During this workshop, you’ll be exposed to several War Game formats. Experience hands-on War Game assignments, which will enable you to identify the optimal War Gaming approach for your business challenges.

Module 3: Strategic Market Analysis & Intelligence (ICI-31)

How do markets evolve over time? What are the critical factors impacting market volume and potential? Where can you find relevant information that will help you to build a market model and provide inputs for your calculations?

In this workshop, you’ll tackle a real-life business case study in order to provide answers to these challenging questions!

Module 4: Development of Dynamic Corporate Strategies (ICI-33)

ICI 33 Development and Implementation of COmpetitive StrategiesWhat does it take to develop successful dynamic strategies for businesses and products? This workshop reviews contemporary strategy development frames and guides you through the steps to design your own strategy development process. Various CI approaches that are taught in other ICI modules are called upon in this workshop. Your final challenge on this program is to develop a competitive strategy - here you can combine your comprehensive knowledge and skillful application of methodologies!

Assignments & Exam

Assignments Exam - Competitive/Market Intelligence Certificate After your workshops, you’ll work on supervised assignments to practice what you have learned. Assignments are integrated challenges where you apply state-of-the art methodologies to solve real life cases. Individual feedback will be provided. ICI’s on-line learning platform serves as the base for efficient teamwork and communication with your supervisor. Assignments are mandatory and will be graded. After completion of the assignments you can schedule a written, live on-line exam session.


  • Earn a University Certificate of Advanced Studies degree including 12 credit points (CP) according to the ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System).
  • Our comprehensive and proven blended learning concept consists of in-class trainings and supervised on-line modules. Your learning success as well as our educational quality are our priorities.
  • Pofound competitive Intelligence education.
  • Master contemporary business strategy frames.
  • Predict competitors’ strategic moves and implement a strategy monitoring process.
  • You’ll develop a new strategic mindset. Intense in-class discussions will broaden your knowledge beyond the agenda of this program.
  • Acquire the critical competences sought after by employers.
  • International certificate perspective – enjoy courses around the globe.
  • The CCS is part of ICI’s flagship program “Certificate of Proficiency in Competitive Intelligence (CPCI)”.
  • ICI’s certificate alumni receive discounts to further certificates and ICI’s conferences.

Aimed at

    • Competitive/Market Intelligence Analysts and Managers
    • Industrial Market Researchers
    • Management/Strategy Consultants
    • Product/Service Managers
    • Entrepreneurs
    • Heads of business units


    • Written final exam
    • Two graded off-class assignments
    • Access to ICI’s online learning platform with related readings and guidelines
    • Access to ICI’s insight center (webinars, presentations, interviews)
    • Workshop hand-outs (incl. case studies)
    • University Certificate of Advanced Studies with 12 ECTS credit points and a workload of about 290 hours
    • Personal coaching 


We acknowledge that ICI’s certificate programs are very demanding and intellectually challenging. Participants need to commit substantial time and energy to master all certification requirements. Read what it is like to study for an ICI certificate.

Request your application package today! Once approved, we’ll plan your ICI journey through individual coaching sessions with you.


Next Date

  • Start:
    Live Classes: November 17 - 21, 2025 (details)
  •     Workload: 290 hrs (12 ECTS credit points) over a period of 12 weeks:
    Preparation (homework), 40 hours live online sessions, assignments/exam
  •    Price: € 3,995* (excl. VAT)
  •     Venue: Remote only
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

SCIE - Strategic Competitive Intelligence for Executives

Strategic Competitive Intelligence for Managers

Strategic Competitive Intelligence for Executives

Knowing when and how to invest in intelligence will make the difference

As a manager you need to decide when and where the company will invest in intelligence. To make sound decisions you need to have a fundamental understanding of the costs, benefits, and organizational issues associated with efficient strategic intelligence operations.

Our 3-day intensive certificate in strategic competitive intelligence is especially designed for those managers and decision makers who want to make a difference.

You will work together in small teams on assignments during the training.

Day 1: Setting up a CI system

Competitive Intelligence for Managers 2Success factors, deliverables (output), processors, resources/investments, organizational fit & evolution, implementation planning, change management.

Case Study: Design of a CI system


Day 2: Corporate Reporting and Communication - the art of getting it right the first time

Competitive Intelligence for Managers 1Competitor deep-dive example (incl. analysis frames such as financial analysis, key performance indicator analysis, competitors' strategy analysis, scenarios, benchmarks etc.), information warfare, counterintelligence, creative and critical thinking.

Case Study: Technology and Strategic Intelligence in a B2B market

Day 3: Getting a grip on the future through "Strategic Foresight"

Competitive Market Intelligence Analysis 2Scenarios - A powerful tool for strategic foresight and strategy development, Early Warning Systems, Business/Innovation War Gaming, CI and Internal Power Games.

Case Study: Building competitive advantage in the retail industry

Assignments & Exam

Assignments Exam - Competitive/Market Intelligence Certificate After your workshops, you’ll work on supervised assignments to practice what you have learned. Assignments are integrated challenges where you apply state-of-the art methodologies to solve real life cases. Individual feedback will be provided. ICI’s on-line learning platform serves are the base for efficient teamwork and communication with your supervisor. Assignments are mandatory and will be graded. After completion of the assignments you can schedule an on-line, live exam session.



For you:

  • Earn a University Certificate of Advanced Studies degree including 6 credit points (CP) according to the ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System).
  • Ability to drive the design process for a competitive intelligence function within your company.
  • Competence in assessing the cost/benefit ratio of strategic competitive intelligence.
  • Proficiency in the evaluation of a portfolio of strategic intelligence tools (“Strategic Foresight”) for your company, such as scenario planning, early warning systems, and war gaming.
  • Become an agent of change for driving the implementation process for competitive intelligence.

For your company:

  • Learn about the potential benefits that strategic competitive intelligence can bring to your company as well as the potential threats if intelligence is managed poorly.
  • Understand the legal and ethical implications of running a competitive intelligence function.
  • Define the pre-emptive measures that your company should engage in with respect to information warfare and counterintelligence.

Amied at


  • Board members, managers with P&L responsibility
  • Product managers and department managers involved in strategic intelligence operations that are either planned or in the early stages of deployment.
  • Strategic planners, investment bankers, strategy and technology consultants, finance managers with a related strategic scope


Rainer Michaeli, Erik Elgersma, Alexandra Cristea


  • 6 workshop days (4 hours per day)
  • Final exam
  • Access to ICI’s online learning platform with related readings and guidelines
  • Access to ICI’s insight centre (webinars, presentations, interviews)
  • Workshop hand-outs (incl. case-studies)
  • University certificate of advanced studies with 6 ECTS points and a workload of about 150 hours
  • Personal coaching 


Please request your application package to begin your application process. We acknowledge that ICI’s certificate programs are very demanding and intellectually challenging. Participants need to commit substantial time and energy to master all certification requirements. Read what it is like to study for an ICI certificate. Once approved, we’ll plan your ICI journey through individual coaching sessions with you.


Next Date

  • Start:
    Live Classes: June 30 - July 2, 2025
  •     Workload: 150 hrs (6 ECTS credit points) over a period of 3 weeks:
    Preparation (homework), 24 hours live online sessions, assignments/exam
  •    Price: € 4,500* (excl. VAT)
  •     Venue: On-site or Remote
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

FCCI - Fundamental Certificate in Competitive Intelligence™

Certificate Competitive Market Intelligence Research

Accredited as University Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) -
18 credit points (CP) according to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS)

Certificate Competitive Market Intelligence Research

Proven Competitive/Market Intelligence Basics

This program (450 hrs in total, hereof 80 hrs live online classes) incorporates the basic tools and techniques for competitive/market intelligence professionals. Through interactive workshops, experts in the field provide training on systematic and proven competitive/market intelligence approaches; planning, information research, analysis and reporting. Candidates will be able to enhance their level of productivity and master challenging competitive/market intelligence projects. Over a period of 18 weeks your workload will average some 25hrs/week.

Competitive/Market Intelligence Basics (ICI-1)

The Competitive Intelligence Basics workshop covers the fundamentals for conducting competitive intelligence research, using analytical tools, and harnessing the value of information. Participants will be brought up to speed about essentials aspects of CI/MI – it is the ideal refresher workshop and an efficient introduction to CI/MI.


Competence Training for Competitive/Market Intelligence Excellence (ICI-2)

ICI 2 Competence Training for Competitive/Market Intelligence ExcellenceThis workshop is aimed at getting the best out of the most important factor in your competitive/market intelligence environment: You!
To effectively leverage the theories and concepts of the intelligence discipline, personal effectiveness, professionalism and organizational skills are key. This one-day intensive development workshop will help you to review your working practices and enhance these all-important skills and competences to support you in your day-to-day work as a competitive/market intelligence professional. Additional highlights include career planning, team work facilitation and the Competitive Intelligence Body of Knowledge.

Competitive/Market Intelligence Reporting and Communication (ICI-3)

ICI 3 Competitive Market Intelligence ReportingIn order to harness the true value of competitive intelligence, a clear process is required for structuring data and reporting of intelligence. This workshop explains how to successfully implement competitive intelligence reporting as a means of communicating and interacting with intelligence users. You’ll be inspired by various hands-on examples from international corporations to small and medium enterprises.

Advanced Web Intelligence - OSINT - Open Source Intelligence (ICI-4)

ICI 4 Internet Research Online DatabasesThe Advanced Web Intelligence workshop will provide you with an in-depth understanding of research principles for open source intelligence research (online/offline databases, Internet search engines). You’ll have the chance to try out such options from determining the research issue to presenting the results. You will learn how to obtain focused, comprehensive, and thorough results by effectively planning and conducting your web intelligence operations.


Dynamic Communication and Elicitation Skills for Competitive / Market Intelligence Professionals (ICI-5)

ICI 5 Primary Research Elicitation Human IntelligenceA significant amount of competitive intelligence can be derived from information obtained through human intelligence (HUMINT). The Primary Research workshop looks at the many opportunities for collecting valuable information through personal interaction with company employees, competitors, and other individuals within the industry.

Fundamental Analysis Methods for Markets and Competitors (ICI-6)  

ICI 6 Fundamental Competitive Market AnalysisThis workshop focuses on how to master a range of fundamental competitive/market intelligence analysis methods and decide when to apply them. You will learn how to analyze your competitors and competitive environment effectively and visualize complex data, in order to deliver analytical insights for making corporate, strategic decisions.

Capstone Project Competitive/Market Intelligence (ICI-7)

ICI 07 Market Competitive Intelligence ChallengeThis workshop serves as an umbrella case study for assessing participants’ capabilities and competences for the content covered in the fundamental workshops ICI-1 to ICI-6. Working with other participants on a competitive intelligence assignment set in a real-world environment, you will have the opportunity to hone your CI skills and identify shortcomings and room for improvement.

Assignments & Exam

Assignments Exam - Competitive/Market Intelligence Certificate After your workshops, you’ll work on supervised assignments to practice what you have learned. Assignments are integrated challenges where you apply state-of-the art methodologies to solve real life cases. Individual feedback will be provided. ICI’s on-line learning platform serves as the base for efficient teamwork and communication with your supervisor. Assignments are mandatory and will be graded. After completion of the assignments you can schedule a written, live on-line exam session.


  • Earn a University Certificate of Advanced Studies degree including 18 credit points (CP) according to the ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System).
  • Our comprehensive and proven blended learning concept consists of live online classes and supervised assignments. Your learning success as well as our educational quality are our priorities.
  • Profound competitive intelligence education.
  • Understanding of the nature of intelligence as well as its limits and the potential for competitive advantage.
  • Learn about your own strengths and weaknesses as a competitive/market intelligence professional and identify gaps in your competence and skill profile.
  • In-depth knowledge of important analysis methods, how and when to apply them, and what their potentials and limitations are.
  • Ability to engage with people effectively and guide the conversation in order to elicit key information. Competence in conducting effective Internet and online database research (open source intelligence).
  • Apply concepts for the content and structure of intelligence reports: media, style, and design rules, as well as publication calendars.
  • The FCCI counts towards ICI’s flagship program “Certificate of Proficiency in Competitive Intelligence (CPCI)”.
  • ICI’s Certificate Alumni members receive discounts for further certificates and ICI’s conferences.
  • ICI live classes are scheduled in convenient modules allowing participants from around the globe to participate.

Aimed at

      • Competitive/Market Intelligence Analysts
      • Market Researchers
      • Management/Strategy Consultants
      • Entrepeneurs


        • 80 hrs live online classes.
        • Written final exam
        • Two graded off-class assignments
        • Access to ICI’s online learning platform with related readings and guidelines
        • Access to ICI’s insight center (webinars, presentations, interviews)
        • Workshop hand-outs (incl. case studies)
        • University Certificate of Advanced Studies with 18 ECTS credit points and a workload of about 450 hours over a period of 18 weeks (av. 25 hrs/week)
        • Personal coaching 


We acknowledge that ICI’s certificate programs are very demanding and intellectually challenging. Participants need to commit substantial time and energy to master all certification requirements. Read what it is like to study for an ICI certificate.

Request your application package today! Once approved, we’ll plan your ICI journey through individual coaching sessions with you.


Next Date

  • Start:
    Live Classes: Feb 3-7, Feb 17-21, 2025 (details)
  •    Workload: 450 hrs (18 ECTS credit points) over a period of 18 weeks:
    Preparation (homework), 80 hours live online sessions, assignments/exam
  •     Price: € 6,795* (excl. VAT)
  •     Venue: Remote
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

CPCI - Certificate of Proficiency in Competitive Intelligence™


Accredited as University Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS)


This challenging and inspiring certificate program is designed to accompany those seeking sound education from an intelligence beginner level to a competitive/market intelligence master level. Thanks to our modular and flexible program design, seasoned professionals can enter the CPCI program at advanced levels or indeed attend only specific parts of the CPCI program.

Our international focus, elite content and hands-on case study methodology have attracted professionals from all over the world to join our flagship certificate program.

CPCI modules

Assignments & Exam

Assignments & Exam

After you have successfully finished all your advanced certificate modules, you’ll work on your final supervised assignment: Bringing it all together and proving your subject matter expertise, you’ll write up a graded case study. The case study topic can be suggested by you (and may relate to one of your real business challenges).  

Once your case study has been approved, you can register for your final oral exam. This exam will cover all CPCI content.


  • Earn a University Certificate of Advanced Studies degree including 70 credit points (CP) according to the ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System).
  • The Certificate of Proficiency in Competitive Intelligence (CPCI)™ is globally the most comprehensive certification program for competitive and market intelligence professionals.
  • CPCI graduates have a comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of all relevant areas in competitive and market intelligence, as defined by the CI Body of Knowledge.
  • This unique combination of advanced research skills, comprehensive analysis tools, CI management know-how, and strategic mindset accelerates careers.
  • Benefit from our unique blend of global practitioners, university professors, and consultants. All speakers are renowned experts in their field, as well as active members of the global CI community. Be inspired by their passion and distinct perspectives.
  • Our comprehensive and proven blended learning concept consists of in-class trainings and supervised on-line modules. Your learning success as well as our educational quality are our priorities.
  • ICI’s certificate alumni receive discounts off further certificates and ICI’s conferences.
  • The CPCI program is designed to be completed alongside employment within 2 years. However, you can adapt the certificate duration to your individual needs.

Aimed At

Professionals seeking a career in a competitive / market intelligence role.

Typically, our attendees are sponsored by their employers and attend our program during full-time employment. They typically have at least 5 years of work experience; most of them hold at least a Bachelor degree (engineering, business, sciences or other related fields).


      • 28 workshop days
      • 5 written and 1 oral (final) exam
      • Coached case study write-up
      • 10 graded off-class assignments
      • Access to ICI’s online learning platform with related readings and guidelines
      • Access to ICI’s insight center (webinars, presentations)
      • Personal coaching
      • Workshop hand-outs (incl. case studies)
      • University Diploma of Advanced Studies with 70 ECTS credit points and a workload of about 1740 hours


We acknowledge that the CPCI program is very demanding and intellectually challenging. Participants need to commit substantial time and energy to master all certification requirements. Read what it is like to study for an ICI certificate.

Request your application package today! Once approved, we’ll plan your ICI journey through individual coaching sessions with you.


Next Date

  • Start:
    Live Classes: 28 live workshop days (see individual modules)
  •     Workload: 1740 hrs (70 ECTS credit points) over a period of 18 weeks:
    Preparation (homework), 28 days live online sessions, case study write-up, assignments/exam
  •    Price: €15,250* (excl. VAT) incl. assignments, supervised case-study and exam
  •     Venue: On-site or Remote
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

in partnership with


Graduates of ICI certificates (ICI Alumni): lifelong 10% discount
Multiple workshops or multiple attendees: 10% discount for 2nd, 3rd, … booking.
In-house training and special discounts: Available upon request.

All prices excl. VAT. Accommodation and travel expenses are not included in the price. 

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