ICI - University Certificates in Competitive/Market Intelligence

In today’s volatile business environment, organizations need Competitive / Market Intelligence Professionals with the skills, competences, and tools to support successful market operations.
As the leading CI/MI educational player on the global business stage, ICI is uniquely positioned to offer seven university certification programs that meet the needs of today's intelligence analysts, researchers, managers, and executives.
Our modular offering was designed for practitioners with several years of work experience and a full-time job. Our teaching style and our blended learning software platform will assure a solid, yet flexible education that combines the best of classic academic teaching and practical hands-on distance learning.
In addition to our practitioner certificates we offer a Strategic Competitive Intelligence for Executives (SCIE) program. This program is especially designed for Executives and Managers who are either on the receiving end of intelligence or who need to make decisions about the implementation of CI/MI programs in their organizations.
In Partnership with RheinAhrCampus – Koblenz University of Applied Sciences
ICI’s certificates are accredited as university certificate degrees, including credit points (CPs) according to the ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System). Your CPs count towards further related university degrees. The ECTS is established in 48 member countries of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and is acknowledged globally. Outside the EHEA, universities will make decisions regarding the recognition of your CPs on a case-by-case basis.