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CCIM - Certificate in Competitive Intelligence Management

Accredited as University Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)

Competitive/Market Intelligence Management - Transfer Information into Applicable Knowledge

Master the Management of advanced CI/MI Operations

This program provides the necessary skills for setting up and maintaining successful competitive/market intelligence units. While the basics of designing a CI unit are covered in the first module, advanced features are covered in the remaining modules: Counterintelligence, Information Warfare, Competitive Technology Intelligence and Critical and Creative Thinking.

  • Start:
    Workshops:October 27 - 31, 2025
  • Learning hours:
    290 hrs (12 ECTS credit points)
    In­divi­dua­lly adap­ted prog­ram length
  • Price: € 3,995* (excl. VAT)
  •    Participation: Onsite or Remote
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

At a Glance

  • Blended Format:
    A mix of self-paced lear­ning, live work­shops, and hands-on pro­jects.
  • Remote or In-Person Options:
    Choose bet­ween ful­ly re­mote lear­ning or a blend of in-per­son and r­emote atten­dance.
  • Designed for Working Professionals:
    What­ever in­dus­try you work in, with our CCIM pro­gram, you can ef­fec­tive­ly ba­lance your full-time work co­mmit­ments with your stud­ies.
  • Global Recognition:
    Earn a pres­ti­gious certif­icate ac­cre­dited as a Uni­ver­sity Cer­ti­fi­cate of Ad­van­ced Stu­dies.


Visit Us

Find up-to-date information on our website: www.institute-for-competitive-intelligence.com/CCIM

Structure of the CCIA Program

The CCIM program comprises 6 modules designed to build an expert knowledge in competitive intelligence Management.

Orientation Module
Familiarize yourself with ICI’s online campus and meet your peers.

Module 1: Design and Operation of In-house CI Centers 

ICI 24 In house Competitive Intelligence CentreHow to set up and manage a CI Center (sometimes called “war room”) to increase efficiency and optimize the "return on intelligence"? Afterall, an in-house center operates as THE hub for data collection, analysis, and distribution of competitive and market intelligence in a corporation. This workshop will run you through the design and implementation phases. Use the 8 critical success factors to effectively manage competitive/market intelligence in order to support real-time decision-making and enhance your company’s competitiveness.

Module 2:Counterintelligence Essentials 

ICI 34 Counter IntelligenceInformation is a valuable company asset, and in times of fierce competition businesses need to protect their information, hardware, Intellectual Property, and systems against the threat of corporate espionage. This counterintelligence workshop looks at the different forms of potential attacks, threats, and ways in which businesses can protect and secure their assets.

Module 3: Ethical Information Warfare 

ICI 36 Information WarfareInformation warfare is a strategic approach to communication involving the development of ideas and opinions in order to change behavior within the market environment. Valuable intelligence can be used to gain an edge over your competition that influences customers, suppliers, and industry experts. This Information Warfare workshop looks at the principles of this approach and how it can be applied ethically – and how attacks against your company can be mastered.

Module 4: Critical Thinking and Creative Problem Solving 

ICI 37 Critical ThinkingIn ever-changing and fierce competitive environments, critical thinking is key to out-maneuvering the competition, improving the quality of intelligence analysis, and injecting creativity into problem-solving processes. The Critical and Creative Thinking workshop will provide you and your CI unit with the necessary professional skills and techniques for generating and testing hypotheses, structuring problems, generating ideas, and thinking out of the box.

Module 5: Competitive Technology Intelligence - CTI 

ICI 27 Competitive Technical IntelligenceIn today's fast-paced competitive environment, technological innovations can be fundamental to business success. Sound competitive technology intelligence enables companies to identify where technology can deliver a competitive advantage in areas such as marketing, product design, and R&D, hence it is a must-do task for any Competitive Intelligence Center (CIC). Learn how to monitor the technical environment, identify technological developments, assess the potential of new technologies, and analyze their effect upon the business, customers, and competitors.

Module 6 Projects

A critical element of the CCIM program is the learning application. Work on two supervised projects that address real-world challenges in your organization or industry context. You can balance your work commitments with the workload of this module

Module 6 Final Exam
Demonstrate your mastery of CI concepts through a written exam.


  • Earn a University Certificate of Advanced Studies degree including 10 credit points (CP) according to the ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System).
  • Our comprehensive and proven blended learning concept consists of in-class trainings and supervised on-line modules. Your learning success as well as our educational quality are our priorities.
  • Profound competitive intelligence education.
  • Learn how to establish a powerful CI unit, which will become an essential part of your company’s activities.
  • Help to defend your company’s assets as well as its Intellectual Property.
  • Identify and counter information warfare attacks.
  • Integrate technology intelligence in your company’s road maps.
  • Facilitate creativity and critical thinking initiatives that will increase the quality and impact of intelligence for decision-making.
  • Acquire the critical competences sought after by employers.
  • International certificate perspective – enjoy courses around the globe.
  • The CCIM is part of ICI’s flagship program “Certificate of Proficiency in Competitive Intelligence (CPCI)”.
  • ICI’s certificate alumni receive discounts to further certificates and ICI’s conferences.

Aimed at

  • Managers of CI/MI units
  • Managers of market research units
  • Competitive/Market Intelligence Analysts
  • Management/Strategy Consultants
  • Market researchers

Your support team

Enjoy a personalized, people-based learning experience that will make you feel supported at every step of your journey with the ICI.

  • Your faculty will guide you through any content-related challenges.
  • A dedicated helpline will support you with administrative steps, from application to receipt of your printed certificate upon completion of the program.
  • One-on-one support is available during working hours (9am–5pm CET) to help resolve any technical issues.

Application Procedure

Places on our program are limited and are allocated on a strict first-come, first-served basis. We recommend that you submit your completed application form as early as possible, preferably six weeks before the program start date. The Admissions Committee will review your application and let you know the outcome as soon as possible. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about which program is most suited to your objectives or if you need any additional information.

About the Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI)

Founded in 2006 and headquartered in Germany, ICI is a leading, independent institution dedicated exclusively to competitive/market intelligence education. With an international expert faculty, ICI provides world-class programs designed for working professionals from over 100 countries. Most participants work in B2B industries and generally have at least 10 years of professional experience. ICI’s proprietary programs guarantee a learning experience that is of superior quality, intimate and personalized for CI professionals. All programs are seamlessly interconnected, offering opportunities for you to continue your learning journey.



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Graduates of ICI certificates (ICI Alumni): lifelong 10% discount
Multiple workshops or multiple attendees: 10% discount for 2nd, 3rd, … booking.
In-house training and special discounts: Available upon request.

All prices excl. VAT. Accommodation and travel expenses are not included in the price. 


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