
Trade Show Intelligence – A Lifetime Experience - Interview with Jonathan Calof

Trade shows, conferences, and workshops serve as unparalleled platforms for CI professionals to gather valuable information. These events bring together industry leaders, innovators, and competitors under one roof, providing a unique opportunity to gain insights that would otherwise take months to compile..

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Using ChatGPT for CI/MI

By Arthurs Weiss (AWARE)

A big question for many CI / MI professionals is how to use the new LLM artificial intelligence software for CI/MI. One approach suggested is to use it for research but there have been multiple reports that what comes out is not particularly reliable – often the AI tool lies (or in technical terms, hallucinates). This seems to apply to all of them. My tests have asked for top CI authors or papers – and some suggestions don’t exist at all.

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Early Warning Signals within the Food Industry 2023

The food industry is constantly evolving due to changing consumer preferences, technological advancements, and regulatory developments. To adapt and thrive in this dynamic landscape, businesses must stay ahead of these changes. One way to do this is by keeping an eye on early warning signals within the industry. These signals can help businesses anticipate shifts in consumer preferences and adapt their product offerings accordingly.

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ICI-Conference 2023: Discover new tools, learn from related disciplines

If your job is to discover insights about your company’s market and competitive environment, then get inspired by our 2023 conference with its motto:

Thinking out of the box - What can CI professionals learn from related disciplines?

Our Conference aims to build bridges between CI/MI and related disciplines such as marketing, business analytics, sales, product management, foresight, counterintelligence, military/national intelligence, collective intelligence, open-source intelligence, data science, and artificial intelligence.

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