Accreditations and Professional Memberships


RheinAhrCampusThe ICI’s certificates are accred­ited as “university certificate degrees” including ECTS Credits (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), which count against further related univer­sity degrees.


Our Workshops and Certificates are approved by the Admi­ni­strative Depar­tment of the German Federal Armed Forces (


The ICI is a certified member of iMove. iMOVE promotes inter­national coope­ration and supports the initiation of collabo­rations and business relation­ships in voca­tional trai­ning and con­tinuing edu­cation. iMOVE is an initia­tive by the German Federal Ministry of Edu­cation and Research.

vogel We have a longstanding partnership with the Vogel Communications Group (part of Springer - a global scientific/technical publisher) and are the preferred partner for industrial market intelligence workshops.

vdiWe have a longstanding partnership with the VDI (Association of German Engineers) and are the preferred partner for competitive technology intelligence workshops.

Memberships in professional associations

  • International Association for Intelligence Education (IAFIE)
  • Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP)


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