Don’t just run, excel in a rapidly evolving world.

Keep up-to-date with our CCIM - Certificate in Competitive Intelligence Management, starting on September 23.

The certificate consists of 5 modules.

Inhouse-CI-Center: Learn to manage and operate a Competitive or Market Intelligence department effectively. From pre-planning resources to conception and implementation, enhance your efficiency and “Return on Intelligence”. Integrate new tools and emerging technologies for further improvement.

Counterintelligence: Stay informed about the latest threats in economic crime and counterintelligence, such as deep fakes and AI-generated attacks. The trend towards remote work and virtual environments lead to new risks. Learn how to mitigate these risks and secure your company assets.

Ethical Information Warfare: With AI, Information Warfare has become more pervasive. Learn how to identify and mitigate attacks and how to manage issues, perception, and exposure.

Critical Thinking for Analysts: With the rise of big data analytics and AI, critical thinking and complex analysis skills have become crucial. Employers are seeking individuals who can objectively evaluate information, discern patterns, and understand complex issues to develop actionable solutions.

Competitive Technology Intelligence (CTI): AI tools and portals are becoming more popular for technology scouting. Learn all about technology scouting, assessment and analysis to deliver a competitive advantage in areas such as marketing, product design, and R&D. 

Take the initiative to stay up-to-date. Get certified with this University Certificate of Advanced Studies.

View our free webinar to learn more:


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