To AI or not to AI? Find it out at the ICI Conference 2024

Many Competitive/Market Intelligence experts have already experimented with Artificial Intelligence (AI). However, navigating this complex topic can be challenging. 

Join our ICI 2024 conference for an exhilarating exploration of AI best practices. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced practitioner, you’ll discover how to harness AI’s potential to enhance both productivity and enjoyment in your work.

We’ve invited extraordinary speakers, all with an AI story to tell! From Strategy to Marketing, from Tech Scouting to Analysis – learn how one can leverage on AI!

AAlle SPEAKER Newsletter

Look Forward to Outstanding Presentations!

If we’ve whetted your appetite for trying out AI with real-life case studies, then join our pre-conference AI Challenge and/or workshop!

To secure your place on this conference, whether remote or in-person, please register!

Statements from our past participants:
"Excellent speakers from industries and governmental institutions. A well-designed conference, good networking opportunities."
Sanket Bhatia, Sr. Manager - Corporate Development, Swissmetal Industries Ltd."The conference was very well organized and very different (positively) from what I imagined!"
Marcos R. Dreher - Market Intelligence & Research Manager, BEKO Technologies GmbH


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