Is artificial intelligence the future of Competitive Intelligence?

ICI’s Director, Rainer Michaeli, was recently interviewed for this topic in the weekly German business magazine “Wirtschaftswoche”.

Once critical factor for Competitive Intelligence professionals are retrieving valuable information regarding technology trends. Most companies deal with numerous contacts, dependencies and interconnections in their market, resulting in huge amounts of data and information.

Can smart algorithm ) e.g. artificial intelligence (AI), help to keep an overview? AI searches through millions of data resources (like magazines or news bulletins) as well as social media networks (such as twitter or Facebook). Is a competitor in the process of acquiring an innovative start-up? Does a fire close put down the manufacturing of a company where your competitors source important components? Is there a shit storm on Social Media as a product isn’t working as promised?

“Software, that answers these questions, is like an early-warning system for companies. One one hand it helps to see new trends of your competitors and on the other hand it helps you when you are legally responsible as part of the supply chain.” So, Rainer Michaeli, director of ICI – a company who provides pro­fes­sio­nals with a unique intelligence trai­ning program, graduating as cer­ti­fied Compe­titive Intel­ligence Pro­fessio­nals.

Read the complete article (in German) here.


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