AI Challenge: Keeping Cool – A Competitive/Marketing Intelligence Project

Are you tired of all the buzzword-driven Artificial Intelligence (AI) publications and presentations?
Are you eager to learn how to utilize AI in your everyday Competitive Intelligence/Market Intelligence (CI/MI) work?

Now, imagine a future where you acquire the following skills:

  1. Effective Prompting: How far can we push AI by asking it questions? Can we prompt it to deliver accurate, relevant, and clear results?
  2. Productive Prompting: How can we reach a productive level of interaction with AI, where our prompts yield valuable insights and save time?
  3. Understanding AI: What are the limits of AI, and how can we seamlessly integrate it into our daily Competitive Intelligence (CI) processes?

By mastering these skills, you’ll stay ahead of the curve and significantly enhance your productivity, ultimately driving your career forward.

Who can join?

Anyone willing to discover the beauty of AI for CI/MI can register for free, not matter if he/she attends our ICI Conference 2024 or not.

How does the Challenge work?

After registration, you’ll receive login credentials to ICI’s AI Challenge portal. There, you’ll find a real-life case study with your challenge instructions. You can work on the challenge individually or in teams.The challenge consists of several tasks that build up to a full project. You can choose to complete just one task or, if you’re feeling brave, tackle them all.


Don’t hesitate - Join our AI challenge:  Keeping Cool – A Competitive/Marketing Intelligence Project (June 12th to August 5)
Late entry available until the final submission date: Aug 5th.
Reinvent your CI/MI approach today!


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