Accelerate your Career in the Competitive/Market Intelligence Arena!

Competitive/Market Intelligence Career

Do you want to accelerate your career in the competitive/market intelligence arena? Here’s your unique opportunity to make it happen!

 As an analyst, you are the eyes, ears, and brains for your company. Hardly any other business discipline is as demanding and rewarding! Succeeding in this field requires a combination of skills, perseverance, industry knowledge, craftsmanship, and guidance.

The Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) equips professionals with the critical skills to make data-driven decisions, research hidden gems, and analyze markets and competitors. Mastering these skills will give you a distinct edge in your career – hundreds of engineers, scientists, product managers, and consultants have been trained by the ICI for advanced intelligence roles.

Enroll now in our Fundamental Certificate in Competitive Intelligence™ (FCCI), starting on February 3 for 18 weeks. Earn a prestigious university certificate that validates your professional credibility.

Participant Testimonials:
"...knowledgeable participants from all industries and a truly competent leader who provides an excellent overview for beginners while also offering something new for specialists..." — Dr. Klaus Marquardt, Wacker Specialties

Unlock your potential with the FCCI certificate and transform your career!

For more information about our certificate enroll in our Free Webinar: Accelerate your Career with the Fundamental Certificate in Competitive Intelligence


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