On-Site and Remote Available

ICI-26 Workshop: Intelligence Mind Traps and Cognitive Biases

ICI-26 Psychology of Intelligence Analysis

Advanced techniques to avoid intelligence errors caused by misinformation and cognitive bias, and get the best out of your competitive / market intelligence

Information analysts are faced with the challenge of obtaining reliable, high-quality intelligence, however the analysis of information for competitive intelligence can be prone to misinformation, mind traps and cognitive biases. The Intelligence Mind Traps and Cognitive Biases workshop looks at the pitfalls and mistakes that are to be avoided for information collection, intelligence analysis, reporting, and decision making. This workshop will provide you with the tools and techniques to take precautionary measures, avoid mind traps and cognitive biases, and obtain reliable competitive/market intelligence.



Aimed at


Workshop Focus

  • Common cognitive biases when processing information and analyzing intelligence: Expectation versus wishful thinking, dominance of mindsets, dynamics of information perception, and preconception.
  • Cognitive biases when analyzing intelligence: Blind spots, mistakes to avoid with the assessment of evidence, perception of cause and effect, and estimation of probabilities.
  • Intelligence reporting: Deliberate and unconscious manipulation of results, and the basic principles of reporting.
  • Methodologies and tools to avoid making intelligence mind traps: Analysis of competing hypotheses (ACH), mental tool kits, and checklists.

Additional Dates

ICI-26 (English language) | ICI-26 (German language)

Next date

Start Date May 20, 2025 9:00
End Date May 20, 2025 18:00
Price € 695* (excl. VAT)
Participation On-site or Remote
Categories Workshops, CCIA, Advanced Workshops, ICI-26, 1day Workshops , Hybrid



Graduates of ICI certificates (ICI Alumni): lifelong 10% discount
Multiple workshops or multiple attendees: 10% discount for 2nd, 3rd, … booking.
In-house training and special discounts: Available upon request.

All prices excl. VAT. Accommodation and travel expenses are not included in the price. 


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