You Know More Than You Think

For the successful CI operation, managing knowledge inside the organization is just as important as exploiting external competitive intelligence. 

Eighty percent of what your organization needs to know to innovate and thrive is already inside the organization. It’s held in records, manuals, reports, correspondence, patents and processes, and especially as tacit know-how in the heads of experts. The biggest problem most organizations face is knowing just how to find and exploit knowledge that is relevant, and how to protect critical knowledge at risk of being lost. For CI professionals, adopting ready-to-go principles from KM offers effective solutions to building a robust CI operation.

Main topics:

  • What is ‘knowledge management’
  • Identifying the unknown unknowns
  • Avoiding the dangers of an IT ‘solution’
  • Key methods of avoiding loss of critical knowledge at risk

This 60-minute interactive ICI webinar will highlight the serious risks of overlooking critical knowledge management, and introduce ways you can begin to leverage the wealth of hidden expertise in your organization. Participants will be encouraged to present questions via the live chat function.

About ICI Insight Webinars

The free Insight Webinars by the ICI aimed at professionals in the field of competitive intelligence offer professional theoretical knowledge and demonstrate "live" practical applications. Experts from around the world address the core issues of competitive intelligence. Feel free to ask the experts questions and participate interactively using the chat feature. More live webinars can be found in the ICI Insight Center.


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