Webcast: Social Media Intelligence - 10 Essential Hacks for CI/MI Professionals

Nowadays everyone knows how to effectively use Social Media for essential competitor information – Right?
The truth is: Social media platforms are simply not designed to find that information easily. They are designed to collect behavioural data of their users; true. They are designed to sell advertising; true. But even searching for your own posts can become a nightmare.

So is searching for competitor/market information worth the effort?
“True”, says Amir Fleischman, “you only need to know some essential tools and techniques. Sometimes it is even more like hacking existing functions by using them differently as they are supposed to be used.”

Key Take-Aways

  • how-to track information specifically in social media
  • how-to track and monitor competitor performance in social networks
  • how-to foreseeing trends
  • and more...


Amir Fleischman is a marketing and competitive intelligence expert. He is the founder of Cicom Global, a supplier of market research and CI services, former member of The Israeli Forum for Competitive Intelligence steering committee and editor of The Intelligence quarterly. Amir serves as head of competitive intelligence course at the Homeland Security Academy at the Wingate College and top lecturer of marketing and CI at the Open University, University of Haifa, Bar Ilan University and the Small and Medium Sized Business Development Center. As a consultant and international speaker he delivers around 200 lectures and workshops per year in the public and private sectors. Previously held the position of CI manager at NICE, marketing manager at Edusoft, economic research manager at Japan External Trade Organization and managing director of Commares Data.


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