Webcast: Four Strategic Mind Traps: How Cognitive Bias Deceives Analysts and Destroys Actionability

In this webinar, veteran intelligence analyst Eric Garland explores the role of four cognitive biases in the distortion of executive decision making.
Taking from ample research in the fields of psychology and behavioral economics, Mr. Garland shows how cognitive bias is present in a great many aspects of intelligence collection and analysis. He also details how identifying these weaknesses in advance can make for superior intelligence units within the organization.
This webinar shows how telcos successfully adopted scenario technique in many functions, thus modeling potential future developments into flexible option spaces.
Eric Garland is Managing Director of Competitive Futures, a global strategic intelligence consultancy, author of Future Inc: How Businesses Can Anticipate and Profit from What’s NEXT and How to Predict the Future…and WIN! Find out more at www.competitivefutures.com, www.ericgarland.co, and on Twitter @ericgarland