Webcast: 6 Trends and Innovations in Intelligence you shouldn’t miss

State of the Art Scientific Competitive/Market Intelligence Research

The International Competitive Intelligence Conference 2019 hosts an academic track, that is supported by the ‘Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business’. 6 academic presentations will showcase current trends and innovations in Competitive and Market Intelligence.

In this webinar Rainer Michaeli, director of the Institute for Competitive Intelligence, Prof. Klaus Solberg Søilen and the conference keynoter Prof. Jonathan Calof will discuss the State of the Art in scientific CI/MI!

Learn about the conference presentations and their potential impact on day-to-day intelligence work.


Presentation 1: Formal and Informal Intelligence Structures

Formal and informal intelligence mechanisms that can help organizations avoid common failure problems such as attentional disorder, attenuated transactive memory and atrophied prior knowledge. Learn about how insight can be used to measure and manage what the study has termed the ‘customer cloud’.

Presentation 2: Automated Intelligence
The key success factor in applying AI and deep learning to CI/MI analysis is the automation of the time-consuming process steps. This not only increases speed and accuracy, AI frameworks did mature and now easily enable analysis that simply was too time-consuming in the past.

Presentation 3: The Art of Perception - What CI Professionals Can Learn from Art
Change how you look at and attend to the world, focus, de-focus, frame and categorize
learn how to notice with ‘new’ eyes. A greater appreciation of Art and Art History can help our attentiveness in CI.

Presentation 4: Managing chaos in the Indian Infrastructure Sector; Competitive Intelligence as a Tool of Business Continuity
Insight into unconventional ingenious modes of Intelligence gathering finding applicability in developing and emerging markets including ACH (Analysis of Competing Hypothesis).

Presentation 5: Art Market Investment Strategies Intelligence & Blockchain Technologies Perspectives
The main purpose of this research is to develop Art Market Investment Strategies Intelligence (AMISI) for the financial and economic security of art market investment strategies evaluation with the emphasis on risk of art investment estimation.

Presentation 6: Enhancing Competitive Response to Market Challenges with a Strategic Intelligence Maturity Model
The conceptual model of this research highlights the degree of preparedness of four Strategic Intelligence profiles.


Dr. Klaus Solberg Søilen is Professor at Halmstad University in Sweden and at the Nordic International Management Institute(NIMI) in Chengdu, China. He is the editor-in-chief of Journal of Intelligence Studies in business (JISIB), the associate editor of International Journal of Innovation Science (IJIS) and has written more than half a dozen books. Before entering academia he worked for ten years in industry, in the US, Europe and Scandinavia, the last three years as auditor for KPMG Oslo. He has been a consultant to more than 60 companies world wide.


Dr. Jonathan Calof is a professor of International Business and Strategy at the Telfer School of Management at the University of Ottawa. Jonathan combines research and consulting in competitive intelligence, technical foresight and business analytics to help organizations develop key insights on their competitive environment.


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