Webcast: Grasping the Future - Scenario Planning Turns into a Key Tool in the TelCo Industry

Tune in and experience a lively presentation with Christina Sterenborg, Head of Strategic Intelligence - Europe, Deutsche Telekom AG, moderated by Rainer Michaeli, Director of the Institute for Competitive Intelligence.
Telco and IT are considered the most dynamic industries, having re-invented themselves throughout the last decades but also transforming the operations of their customers – shaping new use cases in a digital “always connected” world. Driven by decreasing innovation cycles , disruptive technologies, internet start-ups offering telco services for free and the increasingly “digital life style” have challenged telco planning and operations processes to the max.
This webcast shows how telcos successfully adopted scenario technique in many functions, thus modeling potential future developments into flexible option spaces.
Since 2012 Christina Sterenborg has been working as head of Market & Competitive Intelligence for Deutsche Telekom AG where she set up an international strategic market intelligence unit. Her projects include, among others, the definition of a business and governance model, a customer satisfaction survey, the selection and implementation of a business intelligence tool, wargaming and the building of team structures and processes.
Christina Sterenborg holds a bachelor degree in Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services from the Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria. She also has a MBA in Telecommunications Management from Alaska Pacific University.
Due to her various responsibilities in management and strategy-related positions she is now widely recognized for her professional skills in market research, competitive intelligence, product marketing and strategic partnerships.
She will also speak at the 8th International Competitive Intelligence Conference, April 19-22, 2016.