Prof. Dr. Bernd Jörs

Prof. Dr. Jörs

ICI-26 Intelligence Mind Traps and Cognitive Biases (DE)

Prof. Dr. Jörs holds a profes­sorship for business admini­stration with the focuses "Infor­mation Engineering and Man­agement", "Information Business Administration" and "Controlling" at the University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt. He is also responsible as part of the in-firm ex­ecutive training of the Deutsche Telekom AG for management training, planning techniques, ac­counting/controlling and general business ad­ministration.

Before these activities, Prof. Jörs was also at the Metallgesellschaft AG assigned with the tasks of information management, market and competi­tive intelligence and corporate planning.

In 2006 Prof. Dr. Jörs achieved a Top 10 positioning in the competition "Best Professor of the Year" conducted by the journal "UNICUM-Beruf".


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