Prof. Christophe Stalla-Bourdillon

"An expert in International Relations, polyglot (five foreign languages) and globetrotter (107 countries visited), Christophe Stalla-Bourdillon has travelled the planet for 30 years.
He has worked successively at Pont-à-Mousson (with Francis Mer, former Finance Minister), Roussel, Roneo, La Caisse des Dépôts (with Edmond Maire, ex-General Secretary of the CFDT) and Vicat, initially in purchasing and exporting, then in mergers and acquisitions.
His area of expertise is Competitive Intelligence (CI).
As a member of the MEDEF National Committee, he co-authored a report for the Prime Minister of France (October 2004).
Christophe is currently one of the 32 academicians of the French Academy of Competitive Intelligence (Académie de l'Intelligence économique).
He is fully committed to non-profit associations, since he chairs an observatory of ethical (and not ethical) practices in business and is vice-president of the ESSEC Club for Economic Defense and Security.
A former official football referee, Christophe is also a reserve officer (commander) and is very active in certain State-related (SGDN + Ministry of Defence among others) and international circles.
In 2006 he was awarded the French National Order of Merit Knighthood.
In 2013, Christophe Stalla-Bourdillon was appointed full-time associate professor of Competitive Intelligence (CI) at ICN Business School."